Future of Design Technology: Mixed Reality

From the iPhone to the Oculus Rift, today’s latest devices are using Virtual and Augmented Reality to provide new experiences to users. New applications for VR and AR are appearing across every industry from immersive educational programs to futuristic entertainment and even industrial prototyping.

Learn about how designers and developers are building for this new medium and try out virtual reality demos for yourself.

Developer Adam Stogdill of Deep Canvas will be leading the workshop on September 30th from 4-5:30pm at the Design Village at Ponyride. This workshop is open to the public and takes place during Detroit Design Festival.

Adam Stogdill has 20 years of development experience, both as a developer and educator helping people create and develop. He also runs the Detroit Area Mixed Reality Facebook Group, which you can join if you are interested in meetups and learning more about VR and AR.

September 30,  2017
4:00 PM – 5:30 PM
1401 Vermont St
Detroit, MI 48216

By aigadetroit
Published September 20, 2017
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