Open Positions
Open Position

Get involved. Give back.

Did you know AIGA Detroit is 100% volunteer-powered? Our chapter’s success depends solely on the efforts of our many volunteers. It takes smart, dedicated, creative people like yourself to make everything we do possible. And while your volunteer efforts really do help the design community, they also help you build leadership skills, build your professional network, and, ok this is cheesy but bear with us, it feels good to give back and belong to a fun group! Reach out to our current VP of Operations,, to learn more!

Open Board Positions:

  • Wellness Director
  • Equity Director
  • UX Director
  • Communications

Why join?

There are a number of benefits to becoming a leader with AIGA Detroit but here are a few to begin:

  • Helping to contribute to the community of SE Michigan
  • Learning new skills like leadership training, event planning, and public speaking
  • Complimentary registration to AIGA WM events and discounted national conferences and events
  • Access to the local, regional and national design network
  • Shaping the current state and future of design
  • Giving back to the design profession
  • Paying it forward to emerging and future creative practitioners

Need a few more details before applying?

Board positions: Board members commit to a one to two -year agreement to serve the Detroit chapter of AIGA. The time, motivation, and dedication shared makes a significant impact on the local community. This requires a commitment to the vision and needs of AIGA Detroit while strengthening your network with local designers and AIGA chapters around the nation. Nominees need not be an AIGA member at the time of nomination but will be required to join AIGA at the Emerging level ($150) or above if elected to a board position.

The board meets monthly to report on and develop chapter activities. While this is a “working board,” we are fiducially and strategically responsible for this 501(c)3 organization. Taking on a board role is a serious endeavor with large responsibilities, however, it’s also an exciting task. Our board and committee members serve the Southeast Michigan design community, providing leadership and helping shape the understanding and value of our profession.